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The Chakra

Updated: Jun 20, 2023

The chakra system has become more and more prominent talking point in health and wellbeing conversations, but what is it? Below is an overview of the seven main chakra and why they are important in the work that I do.

What is a chakra?

Chakra, or "cakra" in Sanskrit, means "wheel" and refers to points of energy in the body. They are often described as disks that spin and should stay aligned and open, as they correspond to nerves, organs and parts of our energetic body - all of which affect our physical and emotional health and wellbeing.

Their locations are outlined here:

Root chakra - Muladhara

Location: At the base of the spine at the perineum (between the anus and genitals)

Colour: Red

Element: Earth

Attributed to: Survival, self-sufficiency, stability, ambition

Body functions: Legs, feet, large intestine, adrenal glands, bones

Balanced root chakra symptoms: Feeling of stability, grounding/connection to the earth, connection, physical security

Blocked root chakra symptoms: Fearful/anxious, ungrounded

Overactive root chakra symptoms: Sluggish, stagnant, heavy

Sacral chakra - Svadhishthana

Location: Lower abdomen (approx. four fingers below the navel)

Colour: Orange

Element: Water

Attributed to: Sexuality, creativity and self-worth

Body functions: Reproductive organs, glands, kidneys, bladder, circulatory system

Balanced sacral chakra symptoms: Feelings of vibrance, creativity, satisfaction, intuitive

Blocked sacral chakra symptoms: Irritable, depressed, lack of creativity, obsessive sexual thoughts, rigid, numb

Overactive sacral chakra symptoms: Indulgent, restless, pleasure-seeking, emotional

Solar Plexus chakra - Manipura

Location: Upper abdomen (between navel and bottom of rib cage)

Colour: Yellow

Element: Fire

Attributed to: Anger, ego, power

Body functions: Digestive system, pancreas, adrenals and muscles

Balanced solar plexus chakra symptoms: Confident, focused, productive

Blocked solar plexus chakra symptoms: Insecure, indecisive, poor self-esteem, passive

Overactive solar plexus chakra symptoms: Quick to anger/aggressive, lack of compassion, controlling/dominating

Heart chakra - Anahata

Location: Heart/chest

Colour: Green

Element: Air

Attributed to: Love, compassion, attachment, forgiveness, trust

Body functions: Heart, lungs, arms, hands, thymus gland

Balanced heart chakra symptoms: Compassionate, optimistic, motivated, caring

Blocked heart chakra symptoms: Anxiety, lack of trust, moodiness, fear, closed, isolated

Overactive heart chakra symptoms: Lack of personal boundaries, co-dependent, narcissistic, needy

Throat chakra - Vishuddha

Location: Base of throat

Colour: Blue

Element: Space/Ether

Attributed to: Expression, inspiration, communication

Body functions: Neck, shoulders, thyroid/parathyroid glands

Balanced throat chakra symptoms: Self-expression, constructive communication, enables creativity

Blocked throat chakra symptoms: Unable to express emotions or speak up, quiet, weakness, shy

Overactive throat chakra symptoms: Overuse of voice, inability to listen, loud

Third Eye chakra - Ajna

Location: Between the eyebrows

Colour: Indigo

Element: Light

Attributed to: Intuition, intelligence, self-knowledge, decision-making

Body functions: Pituitary gland, neurological function, visual perception

Balanced third eye chakra symptoms: Spiritual/emotional harmony, trust intuition, clarity

Blocked third eye chakra symptoms: Denial, poor memory, headaches, self-limiting beliefs, mood disorders

Overactive third eye charka symptoms: Difficulty concentrating, paranoid, delusional

Crown chakra - Sahasrara

Location: Top of the head

Colour: Violet/white

Element: Consciousness

Attributed to: Spirituality, enlightenment, connection to source

Body functions: Cerebral cortex, central nervous system, pituitary gland

Balanced crown chakra symptoms: Spiritual understanding, inner peace, connected to one's life purpose

Blocked crown chakra symptoms: Destructive feelings, disconnection, close minded

Overactive crown chakra symptoms: Dissociation from body, overly intellectual, caught in addiction.

As you can see, the chakra are closely linked to our physical, emotional and spiritual health and wellbeing. This is why they have become incredibly important in my work as a Reiki practitioner and other areas of my work. My practice involves working with a whole person as much as possible, which is something that I will expand on in another post.

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