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Mugwort & Dreamwork

This post is dedicated to our powerful plant ally, mugwort. It is not a plant that is commonly spoken about, but it has many uses and I use it in my bundles a lot - not only because it grows like crazy, but it there are some cool benefits to burning mugwort in your space.

What is it used for?
  • Dreamwork (see below)

  • Anxiety and depression

  • Protect against negative energy, purify and cleanse

  • Menstrual issues

  • Enhance creative/feminine energy

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Headaches and migraines

  • Activate Third Eye Chakra, enhance intuition and divination

  • Insomnia, banishing nightmares and attracting good dreams

Benefits of mugwort are reported to include:
  • Relieve stress

  • Improve sleep

  • Relieve muscle aches

  • Aid menstrual cycles

  • Boost energy

  • Support liver health

  • Ease digestion

Mugwort cautions:
  • Do not use mugwort while pregnant - it can cause uterine contractions.

  • Due to lack of safety research, do not use while breastfeeding or with children.

  • Some people who are allergic to celery, carrot, birch or ragweed may experience reactions; however, this is predominantly found when ingested.

What is dreamwork?

Dreamwork is a term used to describe the exploration and incorporation of dreams when doing inner work. We can use them to unpack and decipher the meaning, which can be a great tool if you are on a journey of spiritual development or self-growth - don't ignore your dreams! They are a key component to several different therapeutic models but can also be used as a self-help technique.

"Dreamwork creates a bridge between our conscious, everyday life and the sacred inner world of symbols. Through working with these images we are nourished by their depth of meaning and purpose" - Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

They are a key component to several different therapeutic models but can also be used as a self-help technique. There are many theories around dreams and their purpose, and there is not one definitive understanding of what they really are. However, some theories believe that dreams help in building an understanding of the unconscious mind, while others suggest that dreams occur when people are turning their emotions into memories. Some also believe that is a way to connect with a higher power. This is why some tap into dreams as a way to process emotions.

Mugwort and Dreamwork:

Mugwort can take your experience to the next level, including enhancing and intensifying your dreams by giving is complexity, resolution, and texture to them, and it can aid in dream recall. If you dream in black and white, mugwort may introduce colours. It can also help to introduce the other senses (sound, touch, taste and smell) in your dreams if you tend to solely have visual dreams. If you already experience these in your dreams, mugwort may help you when practicing lucid dreaming.

You will not become a lucid dream overnight, or simply by trying mugwort every now and then. This is a practice and consistent effort is required - this includes intention setting, visualisation, meditation, or breathwork before bed.

Dream journals are highly suggested. This will help you with your dream recall and identify recurring patterns in your dreams.

Mugwort is often made into a tea, otherwise you can smoke or burn it (see cautions above).

How to use a mugwort bundle:

Pair your mugwort bundle with your bedtime routine, especially if you are serious about dreamwork. As previously mentioned, you may be intention setting or doing breathwork before bed - that is a perfect time to burn some mugwort to send you to some powerful dreams. Suggestions on how to do this:

  • Take a moment before lighting the bundle to take a few long, deep breaths to calm your body and mind

  • If intention setting - say it out loud

  • Light your bundle and blow out the flame - there will embers on the end still burning (if there isn't - try this part again), and smoke coming from the bundle. Use a bowl, plate, shell, or whatever you have to catch any ashes (these are ashes are great for spells too!)

  • Move the bundle so the smoke moves through your bedroom or over yourself (or whoever). Make sure you are still taking some deep breaths through this process

  • Feel into this part and connect with the mugwort

  • Then put out your bundle in your bowl, plate, shell, or whatever you have when finished and let it burn (don't leave unattended!). Your bedroom may get smokey, so open the window if needed, and allow the bundle to either burn until it goes out or for 5 minutes (approximately). Done!

To learn more about dreamwork, follow these links:

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